Monday, May 12, 2008


So. There has been a lot of talk about Melbourne’s public transport infrastructure failing, over the past 12 months. There seems to be plenty of discussion about what should be done next.
Tunnels under the city, proposed new rail lines, more peak time trains.
Melbourne’s infrastructure has long been the bane of its resident’s lives and I for one can’t seem to see anything changing soon. We have Brumby (who I must say was not elected by the people and who got the job when Steve Bracks realised he needed to stay at home and sort out his own binge drinking youth problem, but that’s another story) pledging 18 billion to upgrade our transport infrastructure at a cost to residents and commuters of course.
In the past 2 years Melbourne has seen its population grow faster than any other big city in Australia. More worryingly is that the largest areas of population growth are in the Outer Western Suburbs in towns like Werribee and Melton. These areas are already poorly serviced by public transport (some of these areas are actually serviced by the V Line train service rather than the metropolitan) and an influx of new residents is putting the transport system under even heavier strain.
Then add to this the “new towns” popping up all over the outskirts of Melbourne such as Caroline Springs. Caroline Springs is set to have a population of 23,000 by 2013 but as yet no thought has been made as to how it will be linked to the rest of Melbourne. Developers are irresponsibly building these new towns, making vast sums of money and no where are they being held accountable for the increased pressure on public transport.
Sure there’s a lot of talk at the moment about how to improve the infrastructure and with huge amounts of money being splashed around there will defiantly be an interest. But why are developers not being forced to include these types of solutions when building “the ideal community?”
The State Governemnt is currently taking expressions of interests with regards to the forth coming "infastructure shake up". Monorail Anyone?

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